NOT Your Average Zoom Workshop

“How can spending those workshop hours over Zoom help me feel more alive? Zoom drains me.”

I have heard this a few times about my upcoming workshop, Bloom Like Spring—and I realize I haven’t shared how different this experience will be.

If you’re imagining sitting in front of a screen for hours only doing breakouts and group coaching you would be incorrect. When I say experiential workshop, I mean that.

Nature uses all of the resources at its disposal to sprout life. This workshop mirrors Nature’s lead, so we will do the same. 

Our resources include more than our thoughts. Our feelings and bodies have immense Wisdom available to help us shift out of our “rut” into our bliss.

The culture we live in doesn’t acknowledge this. It prizes intellect.

Intellect is wonderful, and it can also keep us feeling flat and uninspired. Our ego gets involved and knows all the tricks to keep us spiraling in our discontent.

Feelings and bodywork can shift the paradigm. 

Imagine if you:

  • had dedicated time to uncover and meet your feelings—shame, anger, sadness, and grief.  {Given what’s happening on our planet at this time, there is no shortage of these feelings to let out.}

  • were guided through an embodiment/movement practice to help you release those feelings in a safe, loving environment.

  • discovered nourished soil (insights/inspirations) in the fresh space that opened after emptying your feelings.

  • devoted a day and a half to awakening your senses—sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch?  {I will be giving exercises and assignments throughout the weekend to do just that.}

  • allowed breathwork to open your mind/heart/body to the space of being—not thinking.  {Yes, a breathwork session is part of this event. If you’re unfamiliar with breathwork, that’s ok. No prior experience is required. Our guest teacher is amazing and welcoming with everyone at every comfort level!} 

Like I said—not your average Zoom workshop!

We will use the gifts of our creation—mind, heart, and body—to wake us up on every level.

What if spending these hours over Zoom could make your world more technicolor and vibrant?

That’s the game I’m playing at this event.

The question is: Will you join me?

If yes, sign up for Bloom Like Spring here.

To your aliveness!

With Fierce Loving,

Photo by Aditya Saxena via Unsplash.


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