Keep Planting Seeds

This is something I talk about often with the coaches and service-based professionals I work with. It applies whether you have your own business, work for someone else, or are involved in recruiting for your school or organization.

Part of our job is to be a powerful source of transformation for people—to make an impact and support them in solving a problem. We can only do that when we slow down, connect, and get into someone else’s life.

When we stop focusing on what we can get and start sharing what we can give—this is how we plant seeds. And, we don’t know when or how those seeds will sprout.

I’m a fantastic example of this. I originally had a conversation with my coach, Michelle, in 2011. I sat in her office, balled my eyes out and told her I couldn’t afford her.

She sent me on my way…and mailed me a book about money. A number of months later she responded to one of my newsletters. Then, she signed up for a short 10-day program I led. Later, she invited me to a complimentary day. After that, I reached out to her about a different program I was leading to see if she knew any women who would benefit from it. She responded by saying, “Call me. I’ll help you fill your last five spots.”

I’ll never forget that call my entire life. It changed everything. She spent 40-minutes on the phone with me and told me exactly what to do…and I did it. I filled my group two days later! And, that’s when I decided I wanted to work with Michelle.

All of this occurred over the course of TWO YEARS. I did not pay Michelle a dime until 2013. And, from that point on, I was hooked. I intended to work with her for forever!

Coaching is a long game. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Keep your eyes on serving without attachment. This applies to any service-based business—speaking, photography, massage, acting, acupuncture, etc. Generously help the person in front of you get what they want. The more you assist them in having that, the more profound the impact, and the more they will want to work with you.

Building a solid foundation takes time. You never know when the seeds will sprout. So, keep planting.

With Fierce Loving,


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