What season are you in?

“It feels like I should be doing more. I just keep hearing, ‘if you don’t work harder, you won’t get to the next level’,” said Laura, a brilliant life coach, and one of my clients.

She had just finished enrolling into her first group program at a substantial fee. She spent months talking with people, hearing their deepest desires, serving them and inviting them to join her in her program.

I want to be clear, filling a group is demanding—in some ways it’s equivalent to running a marathon. It requires commitment, courage and a lot of grit. Which is why it’s valuable to slow down and allow space to recover after.

Yet, Laura found herself challenged by this, as many people do. Downtime can feel highly uncomfortable. It’s like as a collective we’ve bought into the idea that doing is better, so when time off presents on our calendar, we don’t know what to do or how to be. We feel guilty. We think we’ll fall behind and lose everything. We worry what others will say. And so much more.

But here’s the thing: The push, the drive, and the need to succeed will only get you so far. If you don’t allow space to rest, you will burn out. Might not happen for a long time. You may be able to run on fumes for a while. But, inevitably, the adrenaline rush will fade and Life will catch up with you…to help you slow down and Be.

How we show up in the world—our attitude—is just as important as what we do. Downtime allows us to connect with our deepest desires, values and priorities. It helps us determine the direction we want to go.

Nature doesn’t question the winter months. It knows the dying off invites new and fresh growth.

You can do this too. You can embrace whatever season you’re in—in business and life. There are times when you’re hustling and putting a lot of effort into the doing of growing your business, caring for your family, moving, adjusting to a new job, training for a marathon. Then, there are seasons that are slower and more spacious where the focus is on breathing, resting, acknowledging the work you’ve done and reconnecting with yourSelf.

Both are necessary for living a conscious, heart-centered life. Don’t get so caught up in the doing that you miss the chance to hear your heart.

And, know, when the discomfort arises and the guilt shows up, don’t give in. Breathe. Slow down even more and love the sh*t out of those places that are so afraid. That’s what they really want anyway.

In the comments below, tell me what season you’re in—and how you’re supporting yourself through it.

With Fierce Loving,
ps: Keep on the look out next week. I’ll be sharing something special (and free) for solopreneurs! Want to know what it is? You must be a part of our community. Subscribe here—and receive our complimentary audio class, How Good Can You Stand It?


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