The Point of Power for Lasting Change.

I'm writing to you from stunning Las Catalinas, Costa Rica. I'm here kicking off my Discover Live Trust Your Truth Mastermind with some of the most exceptional women I've ever met.

The above photo is the view accompanying me as I type.

Gorgeous, right?

My five-year-old self is completely floored that this is the life we get to live today. 

From growing up in a single-parent home (raised by my mom) in WV, having an alcoholic father, and deeply struggling financially to now living in my dream home in Los Angeles, doing work that fills my soul, impacts humanity for the better, and takes me all around the's quite a dramatic shift. One that often leaves me speechless and teary with profound gratitude. 

The creation of this life hasn't been by chance. It's been by choice. 

Yes, I have a lot of privilege that has supported me along the way. No question. And, I dedicated myself to taking the uncomfortable action (inside and out) time and again to have this life. 

I've been thinking a lot about this as I prepare to lead this retreat. True, lasting transformation begins within. Your relationship with your thoughts, feelings, and body is the seed and point of power for change. 

It's not unlike the foundation of your home. It's unseen and yet, everything else in your space depends upon it. If you try to build your dream home on top of a faulty foundation, you will fail. Structural integrity is the key to the strength,  reliability, and beauty of your home.

The same is true for us.

Think of every area of your life as a room in your house. One room is for health and wellbeing. Another for family and friends. Another for mission/purpose, romantic partnership, joy, finances, career, etc. 

Every room in your inner house is dependent on the structural integrity of your way of being—which is created from your thoughts, feelings, and nervous system/body responses. 

If your way of being is more aligned with your fear-based self (our ego) that will produce a certain result. One of unpredictability, always looking outside yourself to better know who you are.

If your way of being is more aligned with your Truth (aka Life/Love/Soul/Nature), that will produce another result. One of stability, grace, and looking within to know yourself. 

We are creations just like the trees and stars. The brilliance and magnificence we see in them live within us. We just have an intellect that gets in the way of following that path all the time.

Our fear-based self is part of what comes with being human. Learning how to meet and be with that part of us is a game-changer. It's not comfortable or glamorous work...and it is the work that dramatically changes our lives.

This is why your foundation matters. It's the medicine humanity (and our planet) needs at this time. It's also why I'm so excited to launch Discover Live Trust Your Truth. This is the focus of our journey and why I consider these courageous, willing women wayshowers. They are pioneers of change.

I'll be sharing more about how to do this work as time goes on. In the meantime, you can check out the below articles as a starting point:

The Unexpected Miracle That Changed My Health
Stop Trying to Heal Your Feelings
Your Body Is More Than Meets the Eye
The Truth About Integrity

Wishing you greater curiosity for your inner world.

With loving,


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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

Behind-the-Scenes with Melissa Ford


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