This Unexpected Miracle Changed My Health

Since sharing about Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth, I've gotten a number of inquiries about how I cracked the code on my chronic migraines. I used to have as many as 15 per month. Now I have as many as 2. 

Before I share what helped me heal in this two-part article, I want to reiterate that this is my experience. I'm not suggesting that what has worked for me will work for everyone. We're all made differently. I invite you to run what I share through your own Inner Guidance to see if it's helpful or not. 

Also, you don't have to suffer from chronic pain to get something out of this story. We all have programming from our childhood and culture that prevents us from living our most aligned, joyful life. 


Since 2009 I've lived with chronic migraines. I was first diagnosed at urgent care after having one for over 72 hours. That was quite the introduction, I must say! 

For years I tried to get rid of them. I went to doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, chiropractors, allergists, and hormone specialists. You name it, I tried it. And, after spending thousands of dollars, my symptoms persisted. 

My life got smaller. I stopped dancing, drinking wine, eating gluten and dairy, and socializing as much. I felt like a failure because I couldn't figure out what was “wrong” with me. 

Ultimately, I relied on medication to alleviate the symptoms when they arose and gave up on finding the root cause. Until earlier this year when an unexpected miracle occurred. 

I was attending a conference where I had a raging migraine for the first three days. My medication couldn't resolve the pain, so I was invited (more like forced) to work with the pattern differently. 

Fortunately, this conference was devoted to deep inquiry. Each day we questioned a limiting thought, and on this day the thought I worked with was: 

Migraines are robbing me of my beautiful life. 

This felt true in the moment. I saw migraines as the enemy and wanted to eradicate them. However, when I slowed down and got curious with an open mind and heart new information revealed itself. 

I saw how my migraines were showing up to protect me and help me take better care of myself. 

Here's what I mean: My pattern of being agreeable, friendly, and likable, overrode my programming to honor my needs. 

Instead of asking for what I wanted—eating when I was hungry or going to the bathroom when I needed to—I would stay and converse with a new person so they would see me a certain way. 

I had never seen how strong my “be agreeable and likable” conditioning was. 

I'm sure this stems from childhood. I grew up in an unpredictable environment, so it was safer to be agreeable, pleasing, and not have needs. 

The intensity of the migraines was the only thing that could interrupt this programming. My migraines made it so that I had no choice but to put myself first and risk upsetting others. 

This inquiry also revealed how much my mind, unconscious to me, spent time preparing in advance for everything. Everyday things like what to wear, how much time to allot to get ready, what to eat for lunch, how to set up a particular conversation, when to do the dishes, and more!

I had no idea I was spending so much energy planning for the future—an unconscious habit developed in childhood to keep me safe. 

The tension in my body, especially my neck and shoulders, from this hypervigilance, was absolutely a major contributor to my migraines. 

(I'll share more about how I incorporated these new insights and worked with my body in Part Two.) 

Since having these awarenesses and working with my body, my migraines have almost completely disappeared. The one or two I get now are hormonal and I'm ok with that. 

This miracle didn't come from a doctor or diet. It came from inside me.

Our inner landscape impacts our experience far more than we realize. Creating an environment inside of yourself where you can allow unconscious patterns to reveal themselves can be deeply healing. 

This is something I'm looking forward to in Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth. I'll not only be sharing tools and embodiment practices to open your body, heart, and mind to new information, but I'll also be sharing ways to create a safe space inside of yourself so that you can meet any part of you with curiosity.

This inner work is potent—and a way to align more fully with your True Nature.

If you're inspired by what I'm sharing, take a look at my new program here. The shedding and becoming in this program is going to be off-the-charts! So is the community. 

Applications are open now through July 12th. Don't miss the chance to experience your own unexpected miracles. 

I'll return with Part Two next week!

With loving,



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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

Your Body Is So Much More Than Meets The Eye


Discover Your Truth with Me in Costa Rica!