More Good

This week is one of my favorites of the entire year. It's the week I lead the final intensive for my Advanced Group for coaches. I get to share one of my most cherished places with them, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

There is something deeply sacred and nourishing about the red rocks in Kanab. Just being here feels like a healing balm for the ego. 

I experience pure goodness here. And that got me thinking about you. 

Over the last few weeks, I've shared articles (here and here) about embracing pain and our more negative feelings. 

Learning to be with ourselves in uncomfortable moments and to feel the feelings we don't want to feel is important for living a full life. This is like seeing the weeds and pulling them from your garden—a wonderful act of care. 

But if you only focus on the weeds, you miss the glory of your garden.

I saw the below video on Instagram a few months ago. It beautifully captures this idea. Take a quick watch and come back! There's more for you underneath it. 

This week I invite you to focus on More Good. 

  • Where is the good in your life right now?

  • What makes you feel good ? (In a healthy way. No addictions or infatuations, please.)

  • Are you willing to give that to yourself this week?

Here are five of my go-to's to prime my Feel Good soil:

  1. Move Your Body
    Physical movement is the fastest way to change your state. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal, talks about how when your muscles contract they secrete chemicals that act as an antidepressant to your brain. Scientists call them hope molecules. (How cool is that?!)

    You can take a play from her playbook when you exercise and repeat to yourself: I am giving myself an intravenous dose of hope.  

  2. Listen to a Feel Good Song
    Music is my love language! My dad was a band director and my mom could always find her way to groove to the beat. I've been immersed in melody since I was in the womb. Nothing touches me the way music does. Depending on the song it can help me tap into sadness or joy. 

    My favorite Feel Good song right now is: Feel Good Too by Jason Mraz

    (I just saw him in concert—my first since covid—so listening reminds me of the magical energy of seeing him live.) 

  3. Be Generous
    Volunteer. Hold a door open. Smile at a stranger. Make a meal for a friend. Give an extra mask to the elderly woman who forgot hers at the laboratory facility. (This just happened this week.)

    We are social creatures who need each other to survive. You can tap into the energy of abundance through your kindness to others.  

  4. Engage with the World
    Growing up as an only child and being an introvert and Type 6 on the Enneagram, I can feel very comfortable by myself. But I've learned that too much alone/at home time can be detrimental to my well-being. I can quickly shift into a low mood. 

    For this reason, playtime in the world is on my Feel Good list. BBQs, dinners, movies, travels, hikes with friends—these activities sprinkled into my calendar do a lot to fill me up. 

    Note: Your Feel Good opportunity may be the opposite. If you are more extroverted in nature, then time at home resting may be what you most need. 

  5. Give Thanks
    “What we appreciate, appreciates.” —Lynne Twist

    There's a reason gratitude is on every spiritual teacher's list of go-to's for goodness…because it works. We get more of what we notice. Lack brings more lack. Abundance brings more abundance. We can consciously retrain our brains to look for the good that's already here. I have found magic to be waiting on the other side.

These are just a few ways to experience More Good in your life. As you entertain the question: 'What makes me feel good?' you'll be guided to the best answers for you. Trust them and give them to yourself this weekend. 

Let's see what happens as you pour more Goodness on yourself and your life. 

With loving,

ps: The early enrollment bonus for Discover Live Trust Your Truth ends on August 15, 2023. To support an even deeper level of intimacy and transformation, I've changed the max number of participants to 12. A few spots remain and I'm having conversations now. If you want to set up a call, press reply and we'll go from there.


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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

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Behind-the-Scenes with Amy Hruby