You’re going to see some changes happening around here in the next few weeks. I’ve been working on new projects—including a potent e-guide, a complimentary workshop, and more! Keep an eye out. You don’t want to miss them!

Preparing these materials has been quite a ride. I’ve watched myself waver from allowing creativity to flow through me, to squashing the life out of every task on my to-do list. I go from open and joyful to contracted and stressed multiple times a week (or even a day). 

It’s as if a switch gets flipped in my mind as the idea moves closer to becoming reality. My “work hard, make it perfect” programming turns on and takes the fun out. I get serious, hyper-focused, and close myself off to the support, inspiration, and beauty that’s already here.

My view narrows and I unplug from the fullness of who I am.

I know I’m not alone in this experience.

No matter the goal—whether you’re implementing a new bedtime routine for your child or working to transform your health or writing a book or submitting a proposal, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and go blind to the gifts unfolding in your life today.

As soon as you move into action your ego activates—which is necessary. The ego helps you to get things down. However, when it is left unchecked you disconnect from Life’s Fuel and source from your very limited supply. This leaves you depleted.

The good news is that suffering surfaces to let you know when you’ve shifted into doing life on your own.  

So what to do?

The first step is to accept this process is normal. You are birthing something new—and birth, by design, is all kinds of experiences in one. The more you can embrace all of you, including your shadow parts, the easier it will be to dance between the expansion and contraction.

The next step is to acknowledge the fact that you’re stretching your comfort zone. Feelings of discomfort are a great indicator that you’re growing. Give yourself permission to celebrate—even when your ego doesn’t want to. 

Lastly, allow space to feel your feelings. Meet your frustration and fear with curiosity and love. Honor the feeling. Let it move through you and then decide what you need next. Maybe that’s taking the next action on your list. Or maybe that’s putting down the project for a moment to take a walk in nature or see a movie or read a book. These types of actions help to lift your vantage point so you can right-size the project in your mind. This also plugs you back into Life’s Fuel.

Finding the balance between the being and the doing continues to be a work in progress.

Be patient with yourself. Take each day one at a time. You will return to your natural state.

With Fierce Loving,


live your best day today

Get my free guide with three simple, yet powerful, actions to CREATE your day (rather than react to it)
so you can feel more alive, abundant and on purpose.

June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.



Behind-the-Scenes with Amber Shirley