Are you sourcing from your fear?

I was inspired this week by watching Project Runway. Yes, I am a sucker for Heidi Klum, Tim Gunn, new designers and crazy challenges. It’s true.

 I love watching people really go for it and use their creativity and skill to celebrate their genius. We all have genius, yet many of us squash it because of our fear and need for validation from external circumstances.

This week it hit me how much these participants go through emotionally. First, they go through so many rounds of casting. Then, they get picked to be on the show. Then they have each challenge. Along the way there are so many ups and downs.

I think that is what struck me most. It reminded me of when I was acting. Back then, just getting an audition was huge, but instead of celebrating that, I worried whether or not I would be ‘good enough’ in the audition room. Then, after the audition, came wondering if I booked it. If I did, I seemed to immediately worry I would be fired. And, if I didn’t, I went to not being good enough and whether I should pursue a different career.

I was constantly putting my happiness and validation in the hands of others. The casting people, my agent, the director…basically, anyone, except me.

This is a terrible place to live. And, the crazy thing is, we do this all the time. We give our power away. We base our happiness upon external factors like how thin we are, how much we accomplish at work, how much money we make, if we are well-liked by others, whether our book hits number 1 on Amazon’s list, and so on and so forth.

This is the epitome of victimhood—depending on others and outside circumstances to build self-esteem and self-worth.

When, instead, our greatest power comes from when we Source from within. When we stand in the discomfort of our vision, speak our truth and validate ourselves. When we take action because we want to, not because someone else tells us to, or we think they think we should.

To me, this is clearly demonstrated on Project Runway. Watching it I can tell who is Sourcing from their Authentic Power versus who is sourcing from their fear. The fear of what the judges will think. The fear of not being good enough. The fear of being sent home. All these fears predetermine their actions, and instead of following their gut, they sacrifice their genius and come up with something that satisfies no one.

How often have you come up with something that satisfies no one?

This week, how about we at least satisfy ourselves. In the comments below, share how you plan to do just that.

With courage,


Why I almost said NO to my first TEDx Talk.


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