Join Me for Bloom Like Spring

I create a photo album at the end of each year to showcase all the happenings. Last year's album I titled: A Year of Completions.

Our foster dog, Finn, got adopted. We stopped regularly volunteering because the dog shelter moved to a different part of LA. I changed my role and participation at The CFJ School. A two-year lawsuit against my husband and I came to a close.

It was a lot of personal change. Honestly, I thought I would feel relief or excitement, but I felt flat, uninspired, and a bit lost.

For four months, I wondered if I would ever feel lit up about anything again. I met thoughts like: "This isn't how I'm supposed to feel. A clean slate should vibrate with enthusiasm. Something is wrong with me. What am I doing with my life? I don't think I'll ever make money again."

Meeting these parts of myself was uncomfortable—and necessary. Because I honored my journey and let go of any expectations about where I should be or what I should do, I tapped into the joy available each day.

That joy—and its many different flavors—ignited a spark. That spark has become a flame that has made me feel more alive and on purpose, than I have in a very long time.

If you're feeling flat, stuck, uninspired, or you just plain want to discover a new level of aliveness inside of you, I invite you to join me for Bloom Like Spring—a day-and-a-half virtual experience happening April 15-16, 2023.

To learn more about Bloom Like Spring, click here.

I hope you'll join me—because the truth is: the world needs your joy and aliveness now more than ever. Stress and misalignment have created most of the problems our ailing planet faces today. Creative solutions, healing, and proper use of our imagination are far more available when we embrace and nurture our aliveness.

Aliveness, joy, inspiration, peace, and pleasure—are your birthright. Removing the blocks/conditioning that prevent their potency, learning practices to tap into these "fuel sources", and ways to prioritize them in your life is a game-changer.

Come see for yourself at Bloom Like Spring.

If you have any questions, email

With Fierce Loving,



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Behind-the-Scenes with Rohini Ross!