


What is your next level—in not only your work but also your life? What inner experience have you been after? What goal-line success has felt just out of reach? What would cause you to feel aligned and on purpose in every area of your life? What would feel like a true miracle?

This is what we uncover and co-create within this year-long adventure.


You, your work, and life are the agenda. You set the destination and together, we reverse engineer the steps (inside and out) to reach your intended outcome.

Your being is of utmost importance in everything you do. How you show up for yourself and others matter. If you are living in your mind, you are missing the moment. If you are missing the moment, you are missing your beautiful life. Strengthening being in the here and now is a key component of our work. Authenticity, integrity with self and others, receiving, as well as following your bliss become markers for success.

Because an apprenticeship is about training in a craft under someone further along with more experience, we will devote time to deepening the craft including: mastering the art of enrollment, deep listening, slowing down to speed up, making and managing money, leading with heart and courage, coming from service, getting clear on your gifts and sharing them unapologetically with the world.

We will also examine your lifebecause one of the biggest assets a coach has in their business is living a life they love. This not only benefits you, but it also inspires others to see what’s possible for them and invites them to inquire for more.

“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love, and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he’s always doing both.”

- James A. Michener

laura foster | life and leadership coach and speaker

Working with Amber has been one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made. In the last 8 years, Amber has helped me significantly change my life—inside and out. I left a full-time “super safe” job that was literally making me sick, and now have a thriving coaching practice. 

For the last 4 years, I’ve had a note on my vision board to work 1:1 with Amber as her apprentice. This year that came true! If you would have told me when I started as a coach, that I would invest this much in myself or my business I would have thought that it would be impossible. The simple fact that I did, is a testament to my growth.

Since signing up for the apprenticeship I’ve filled a longer group coaching program at a significantly higher fee than ever before. I created my own apprentice, and I’m on track to have another multiple six-figure year.

But, more importantly, I am seeing where I’ve been playing small and holding myself back. We’re examining deep-seated beliefs and patterns that years of therapy didn’t even touch. Our work together will continue to reap benefits for the rest of my career.

Apprenticing with amber includes:

  • 36 Ninety-minute coaching sessions (3x per month)

  • 36 Weekly Reports (3x per month)–can adjust to less

  • 4 Live Intensives (one each quarter)

  • Access to and usage of all products, programs, keynotes, outlines, presentations, resources, contracts, and content

  • Option to attend all webinars, workshops, and masterminds for your own learning

  • Access to behind-the-scenes of all events (the what and why of materials created)

  • Unlimited Email Support

  • Bonus Coaching Calls–to be used if/when an emergency arises

  • Bonus Guest Teachers/Events–as inspired, based on what’s unfolding in the coaching

  • My 100% partnership and belief in you as you courageously create a business and life you Fiercely Love


This program is not for the faint of heart. It’s for someone who wants to dream BIG and do the deep, meaningful, and uncomfortable work to make that dream a reality.

sarah goodson | executive coach, founder of three beats consulting

“Prior to my apprenticeship, I coached under Amber in various ways for 2 years. However, the apprenticeship was like a “superboost” for my life and work. It became a magnet for quite literally everything I have wanted for most of my life.

Specifically, this program was the biggest financial investment I have ever made in myself, and I made my investment back the month after I launched. A lot more goodness happened as a result as well: My husband and I bought our dream house, I increased my client load and created new programs, and I worked less hours and took a lot more time off, felt more spaciousness in my life, and had extensive time with my daughter.

Apprenticing under Amber also brought me across the threshold of running a multiple six-figure coaching practice before we were halfway through.

The internal and external gifts of coaching with Amber continue to flourish. I’m deeply grateful for this profound opportunity and how much expansion it’s brought to every area of my life. It has been unforgettable and truly life-changing.”

to apply

If you’re interested in participating in Amber’s apprenticeship, click the button below to apply.
*serious inquiries only

debbie roth | professional forgiveness coach

"I’ve had a pattern for many years of not seeing my own value—as a coach, in other professions, and as a person. No matter how much healing I've done around this, I still wasn't able to see and stand in the strength of who I am. Until now. 

I've learned how to show up in the gift of the work and more importantly, take deep and loving care of myself. Slowing down to receive the beauty and joy of life has been incredible for me! I've also upped my fees and interrupted a long pattern of overthinking emails and blog posts. 

When I made the investment, I knew I was saying yes and making a clear commitment to me and growing my practice. I’ve never had someone believe in me that consistently and support me as unconditionally as Amber has these last months. Little did I know the results would give me a foundation to release a life-long pattern that was holding me back from living into what I knew was possible for me."